Thursday, December 2, 2010

Livin' in a Snow Globe!

Tis the season for snow men, hot chocolate, space heaters, and Christmas! It has been below freezing, here in Rexburg Idaho, since the 3rd week of November and will most likely stay that way until early April. OH JOY! We are hoping this year there are no -40 degree days, car accidents, or black outs like last winter!

Avery doesn't know what to make of the cold just yet.  Whenever we take her outside her tongue pops right out and her eyes double in size. It's pretty funny to watch.

Almost finished with his Fall semester, Tyler is counting down the days to graduation next July. 2 more semesters. He will be taking the DAT in March, will apply in the Summer and will find out what dental schools he is accepted into come that following Christmas season. I am so proud of him! He is such a great husband.

I am trying to keep busy with craft projects. Still working on making skirts for myself and and dresses for Avery. My Mother-in-law, Laurie, attempted to teach me how to crochet over thanksgiving break. She is a great teacher, I'm just a horrible learner. Tyler has been very patient in teaching me further.

Thankful for Thanksgiving!

Tyler had over a week off of school for Thanksgiving. The Friday before we drove to Utah and spent some time with Tyler's cousins, Mike, Megan and their daughter Ava, and Andrew, Candace and their daughter Lilly. Saturday night we drove to Provo and stayed with my older brother, Andrew and his wife Laura. My mommy flew in from Portland, almost having her flight canceled due to "The biggest snow storm in 15 years!" (Provo got less than an inch of snow). Wednesday we met Tyler's family at Grandma Mary's house and spent a good part of the day with Her. That night we drove in the motorhome with all the Brady kids all the way to St. George to spend Thanksgiving with Laurie's side of the family. Grandpa Goodwin's cancer sure doesn't seem fun for him or grandma.  I was great to spend time with them and Laurie's siblings. We drive back to Provo in the motor home saturday afternoon after the BYU vs. Utah game and spent the night and Andrew and Laura's Home again. All together we had a great Thanksgiving! Glad we got to see almost everyone we wanted to! Sorry to those we didn't get a chance to see! We love you all!

Tyler's little Cousin, Zion.  

Tyler's cousin Heather. She was so good with Avery! Always wanted to hold her and help make her happy! I love these little girls!


Precious moments tyler caught with Grandma and Grandpa.
Grandpa got out of bed only a few times during our stay. He's not doing as well as everyone would hope.